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“The Roundup” is Origami Risk’s weekly bulletin of headlines and resources impacting risk, compliance, safety, P&C insurance, and healthcare.

Mon, June 27  | Citizens Insurance could spend $100 million on lawsuits in 2022 

Citizens and private insurance companies have long complained that Florida is a hotbed for lawsuits that drive up costs in the property-insurance system. But Citizens also has seen massive growth in its number of policies during the past two years, which results in needing to defend more lawsuits. (continue reading) 

Tues, June 28 | ‘The Great Unwinding’: What the pandemic’s end could mean for health coverage 

After 2½ years of dealing with COVID-19, the health community is bracing for what some are calling “The Great Unwinding,” possibly affecting millions and potentially the biggest coverage event since the Affordable Care Act was implemented nearly a decade ago. (continue reading) 

Thurs, June 29 | Robo advisors could give small-business insurers a competitive edge 

Robo advisors could be programmed to explain basic coverage terms and conditions, review adequacy of deductibles and limits, and check on a claim’s status. (continue reading) 

Thurs, June 30 | P/C Industry to Finish 2022 in the Red With Combined Ratio Over 100: S&P 

For the first time since 2017, the calendar-year combined ratio for the property/casualty industry will eclipse 100 in 2022 due to inflation, said S&P Global Market Intelligence. (continue reading) 

Thurs, June 30 | Getting the Measure of Inflation for the (Re)insurance Industry 

Inflationary trends have captured news headlines around the world. Starting with the pandemic, by April 2020 more than 3.9 billion people across 90 countries had been ordered to stay at home by their governments. These lockdowns set off the first wave of price increases as manufacturing and shipping operations stalled, pinching global supply chains. (continue reading) 

Supply Chain News 

Coronavirus News  

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